Privacy Policy
01 Mission Statement
The mission of the Vietnamese Museum Australia Ltd (ACN 635 162 088) (Vietnamese Museum Australia) is to operate a cultural museum, and undertake ancillary activities, in order to:
- enhance understanding and appreciation of the Vietnamese diaspora in Australia, their flight to freedom and their contributions to Australia (between generations of Vietnamese Australians and the wider Australian and international community);
- impart knowledge to Australians of Vietnamese background so they can be proud and feel connected to their Vietnamese identity and heritage; and
- embrace connectedness, connectivity and sharing of artefacts and stories between the Vietnamese diaspora community in Australia and overseas.
02 Objective
The objectives of the Vietnamese Museum Australia are to:
- provide strategic stewardship to collect, exhibit and protect stories and artefacts that characterise the Vietnamese diaspora and their presence in Australia;
- educate, promote and preserve the Vietnamese culture and history that reflect the Vietnamese identity in Australia and overseas;
- promote and enhance the multicultural wealth of Australia by maintaining a state of the art, world-class museum and resource centre on the contributions of Australians with a Vietnamese background in all areas of endeavour (for the benefit of all Australians);
- build a repository of historical knowledge and scholarship, oral histories of interest and research associated with the artefacts and the people who used the artefacts; and
- take a strategic lead in the engagement between the Vietnamese Museum Australia and other galleries, libraries, archives, museums and record keeping organisations in Australia and overseas on Vietnamese Australians and the Vietnam War era.
03 Introduction
The Vietnamese Museum Australia aims to collect, preserve and exhibit historical material of the Vietnamese refugee and settlement in Australia. It is also the place to record and preserve stories of Vietnamese refugees and Vietnamese diasporas who went through war, survived the re-education camp and then went through the journey full of blood and tears in search of freedom.
To assist the Vietnamese Museum Australia in achieving its mission and objectives, Vietnamese Museum Holding Ltd (ACN 633 503 778) as trustee for the Vietnamese Public Ancillary Fund (ABN 36 291 049 381) (PAF) has been established to assist with the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s fundraising efforts by collecting donations from you made in support of the Vietnamese Museum Australia.
04 Scope
In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), the Vietnamese Museum Australia and the PAF (we, us or our) have each adopted this Privacy Policy to explain how the we each collect, use and otherwise manage personal information. We comply with all relevant privacy laws where we operate, including the requirements applicable to us under the Privacy Act and relevant State laws.
This Privacy Policy describes the kinds of personal information that we collect and hold, and how and why we collect that information. It also outlines how a person may access information about themselves, seek correction of that information and make a complaint about a breach of an Australian Privacy Principle (APP).
By using our website or services or by providing personal information to us, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
We may need to update or change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we do, we will post the updated Privacy Policy on our website at Any updates to the Privacy Policy will take effect from the date stated at the top of the Privacy Policy. Please check our website from time to time to ensure you are aware of the current version of our Privacy Policy and how it applies to you.
“Personal information” is information or an opinion that identifies an individual. Examples of personal information that we collect include names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.
“Sensitive information” is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinions about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.
05 Policy Guidelines
5.1. Why and how we collect personal information
Vietnamese Museum Australia:
The Vietnamese Museum Australia collects personal information (including sensitive information) for the primary purpose of recording and acknowledging donations from you, and otherwise to perform its functions in developing a cultural museum and resource centre. Examples of why the VMA collects your personal information include:
- developing, maintaining, recording and preserving personal stories, exhibiting collections of historical material;
- researching Vietnamese refugee and Vietnamese settlement in Australia;
- providing information relating to the Vietnamese refugee experience, Vietnamese settlement in Australia, Vietnam war through education, and public programs;
- fundraising, including collecting, recording and acknowledging donations and providing your personal information to the PAF for the purpose of the PAF issuing you with a receipt for your donation; and
- to receive feedback from the community and improve the VMA website.
Whenever possible, the Vietnamese Museum Australia will collect personal information directly from you with your consent. This may occur in a variety of ways, such as:
- through our website;
- by you subscribing to our online services or emails;
- by your completing hard copy or digital forms (including online donations) and participating in competitions and surveys;
- by recording donations via direct contact with representatives of the Vietnamese Museum Australia; and
- by you corresponding with us (either online or by phone).
The VMA may also collect your personal information from third parties. This may occur in a variety of ways, such as:
- from a representative of your organisation;
- social networking services such as Facebook;
- event organisers, promoters, marketing providers, venues, sponsors and our business partners; • providers of third party applications which collect and share information; and • through the donation page.
We also collect information where we are required to do so to comply with the law.
We include privacy collection notices at the time of collecting your personal information which refers to this document explaining how your information may be used.
If you provide us with personal information about someone else, you must only do so if that person consents to you doing so and to us collecting, holding, using and disclosing their personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
If you choose not to provide certain personal information to us, we may not be able to provide you with certain services or information.
The PAF collects personal information for the sole purpose of preparing and issuing you with a tax receipt for donations which you make in support of the Vietnamese Museum Australia.
The PAF will only collect your personal information from the Vietnamese Museum Australia which you provide either directly to representatives of the Vietnamese Museum Australia or via some third parties, such as the donation page, when you make a donation.
5.2. What types of personal information do we collect and what it is used for
Through its activities, the Vietnamese Museum Australia engages with a wide range of people, both in Australia and overseas.
The types of personal information we collect depends on the circumstances in which the information is collected.
The main types of personal information the Vietnamese Museum Australia collects includes your name, phone number, email address, age, gender and postal address. We also collect names to be inscribed on the Dedication Wall of the Vietnamese Museum Australia. The Vietnamese Museum Australia may also collect your sensitive information, relating to your racial or ethnic origin, in respect of any materials or information you provide for the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s exhibits and collections.
How the VMA uses the personal information it collects is described further below.
The PAF only collects your personal information from the Vietnamese Museum Australia to the extent necessary to provide you with a tax receipt for donations which you make in support of the Vietnamese Museum Australia.
5.2.1. Fundraising
The Vietnamese Museum Australia uses your personal information to maintain a database which contains details of individuals who pledge or make a donation in support of the Vietnamese Museum Australia via its online donation website or direct contact donation (either in person or via email/telephone).
The Vietnamese Museum Australia uses for its online donation service. collects donor’s personal information such as name, email address and postal address to issue a tax receipt on behalf of the PAF. The way in which your personal information is collected, used and managed by is in accordance with their privacy policy.
The VMA uses third party payment providers, including Stripe and PayPal, to process donations. These providers collect your personal banking information such as credit/debit card details which you provide to the third party in order to process the online payment transaction. The way in which your personal information is collected, used and managed by these third parties is in accordance with their privacy policies.
The personal information which the Vietnamese Museum Australia maintains in its fundraising database is used to:
- send “Thank you” cards to donors;
- distribute information about the VMA’s events and activities;
- maintain lists of Vietnamese Museum Australia Friends and donors;
- retain details of object and cash donors, and (with their consent) to publicly acknowledge those donors; and
- generate invitation lists for Vietnamese Museum Australia events.
We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party or the content of any third party websites. The privacy practices applicable to third parties or their websites may differ substantially from ours. Please read the privacy policy of any third parties and any terms and conditions applicable to the use of any third party websites you visit before using them. Museum online systems
The Vietnamese Museum Australia offers some digital programs such as Vietnamese Museum Australia promotion, Friends talks, and seminars using Zoom or other similar virtual video communications or teleconferencing platform. Participants provide limited personal information, including their name and email address, to the Vietnamese Museum Australia in order to register their attendance. As a matter of courtesy, participants will be advised if a virtual event is being recorded, even though their name and/or image are not publicly visible.
5.2.2. Artefact collection, exhibition and research information
The Vietnamese Museum Australia collects personal information relating to objects in its collections and on loan to the Vietnamese Museum Australia. This information includes details about an object’s history, including its current and previous owners and other people connected with the object.
The purpose of collecting this information is to assess an object’s ownership and provenance prior to the acquisition or loan. Personal information about an object is obtained from a range of sources including from the donor/vendor and from historical records. The nature of this research is such that personal information is not always collected directly from the person to whom the information relates but from other sources such as third-party oral or written histories, or newspaper or magazine articles.
Personal information may also be collected in the course of historical research conducted by the Vietnamese Museum Australia and for the exhibition. Such information may not necessarily relate to an object in the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s collection. This information is maintained in a range of forms, for example in writing, as video or sound recordings, or photographs.
The Vietnamese Museum Australia may collect limited personal information for the following purposes: • to facilitate the management (for example, transportation and insurance) of an object;
- to arrange physical access to the collection by researchers, family members, or special interest groups; and
- to respond to enquiries for information about the collection or the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s activities received from members of the public.
5.2.3. Personnel and administrative records
The Vietnamese Museum Australia collects personal information about its employees, volunteers, interns, contractors, and Board or committee members. The purpose of collecting this information is to properly administer matters relating to a person’s employment or duties at the Vietnamese Museum Australia. Examples of the records kept by the Vietnamese Museum Australia and the personal information they contain include:
- employee records usually include personal details (such as addresses, next of kin details), bank account details, tax file number, employment history, medical checks, leave, salary and superannuation records. Records may also be kept in relation to rehabilitation or worker’s compensation claims, discipline or code-of-conduct matters, grievances, review of actions, and performance management;
- volunteers provide the Vietnamese Museum Australia with their name, address, employment history and a copy of their driver’s license. This information is used to assess the suitability of people to become Vietnamese Museum Australia volunteers; and
- some personal information relating to contractors is also collected. This may include information about catering, security and cleaning staff employed under a contract between the Vietnamese Museum Australia and the service provider, performers, IT suppliers, consultants/advisors. The personal information is collected and used for the purposes of managing the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s relationship with the contractor and for security.
5.2.4. The Vietnamese Museum Australia website
The Vietnamese Museum Australia has a website and Vietnamese Museum Australia-identified spaces on blogs and social networking sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. The Vietnamese Museum Australia’s website refers to this Privacy Policy.
Personal details are maintained by the Vietnamese Museum Australia in a secure folder in the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s Microsoft SharePoint.
Sometimes the Vietnamese Museum Australia will invite people to submit comments, photos or stories via forms on the Vietnamese Museum Australia website. Although users are encouraged not to identify people, the stories may include some personal information. Whenever the Vietnamese Museum Australia collects such content, individuals are informed about the purposes for which their content will be used (for example, publication on the Vietnamese Museum Australia website).
The Vietnamese Museum Australia’s website uses cookies for the purpose of collecting statistical data but does not collect personal information by way of these cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the web browser of your device. If you wish not to take advantage of cookies, you may configure your browser not to accept them (although this may disable or render unusable some of the features of our online services).
5.2.5. Collection and storage of sensitive information
Sensitive information may be collected by the Vietnamese Museum Australia. We will only collect sensitive information about you with your consent or if we are otherwise allowed or required by law to collect that information.
In particular, sensitive information may be collected by the Vietnamese Museum Australia in relation to some employees and Vietnamese Museum Australia members. For example, employees may formally identify as a person of ethnic descent, or as having a disability. Health information (for example medical reports or certificates) may also be collected by the Vietnamese Museum Australia where there is a workers’ compensation or other health-related matters affecting an employee. All records are stored in a secure file, with access limited to Vietnamese Museum Australia staff on a need to know basis.
National police history checks are conducted on prospective staff members, volunteers, interns, visiting researchers and contractors. The individual’s written consent must be obtained before a check is submitted and processed, and access to relevant personal information is strictly limited to authorised Vietnamese Museum Australia staff.
The Vietnamese Museum Australia will retain a person’s informed consent form and the results of a police check in line with the Archives Act 1983 (Cth).
Incident reports are required to be completed when a security incident, injury or hazard has occurred or been identified. These reports may contain information, some of a medical nature, about visitors, volunteers and staff.
5.3. How we hold and protect personal information
We are committed to ensuring that the security of personal information is maintained in a number of ways. Where an electronic database containing personal information has been created, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the database may only be accessed by people performing relevant functions. For example, employee records are only accessible by Vietnamese Museum Australia staff performing human resource functions. System access is granted to Vietnamese Museum Australia staff only on the authority of an appropriate delegate, for the purposes of performing the work of the Vietnamese Museum Australia.
Guidance is provided to Vietnamese Museum Australia staff about safeguarding electronic information (including the secure transfer of that information) in the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s information technology policies and procedures.
Disposal of records containing personal information is performed in accordance with the relevant disposal authority.
5.4. Disclosure of personal information
Vietnamese Museum Australia:
The Vietnamese Museum Australia will not disclose personal information to anyone outside the Vietnamese Museum Australia unless the individual concerned has given their consent, or disclosure is otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act or other relevant law. Examples of exceptions include disclosure being necessary to prevent a serious threat to a person’s life, health or safety, or for law enforcement purposes.
When making a donation in support of the Vietnamese Museum Australia, you provide your consent to the Vietnamese Museum Australia disclosing your personal information to the PAF for the purpose of the PAF issuing a tax receipt for that donation.
Personal information held by the Vietnamese Museum Australia may be disclosed to our consultants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, service providers, professional advisers and agents if necessary. Examples include where a security company is responsible for administering security passes to Vietnamese Museum Australia staff, or a third party (such as a mailing house) is contracted to distribute information.
The PAF will not disclose personal information to anyone outside the PAF unless the individual concerned has given their consent, or disclosure is otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act or other relevant law.
5.5. Disclosure of personal information outside Australia
Neither the Vietnamese Museum Australia nor the PAF are likely to disclose your personal information outside of Australia. We will only disclose your personal information outside of Australia where you have first provided your consent.
5.6. How to access personal information or seek correction of information
We take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we hold about you is accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading. A person may request access to their personal information held by us or to seek correction of the personal information we hold. When you request access to or correction of your personal information, we may need to verify your identity before providing you with any information. The request should be made to the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s Privacy Contact Officer by mail, email or telephone.
- Privacy Contact Officer
- Vietnamese Museum Australia
- Address: 1/56 Nicholson Street, Footscray, VIC 3011
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 0409 006 831
The Vietnamese Museum Australia will respond to a request within 30 days. Access will be given in the form requested by the person, unless it is impracticable to do so or where we are required to refuse access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) or other Commonwealth legislation. If we decide not to grant access to personal information or to correct personal information, we will provide written reasons for the refusal. In some circumstances it may not be possible for us to provide you with all of your personal information, or an exemption under the Privacy Act may apply.
5.7. How we handle privacy complaints
Where a Vietnamese Museum Australia staff member receives a complaint relating to the handling of personal information, that complaint must be referred to the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s Privacy Contact Officer for investigation. Alternatively, where a person has concerns about the way the we have dealt with their personal information they may contact the Vietnamese Museum Australia Privacy Contact Officer directly (see details listed above).
If you wish to make a complaint, please contact us in writing. Please also:
- include your contact details so we may reply to you; and
- clearly describe your complaint.
The Vietnamese Museum Australia Privacy Contact Officer will investigate the matter and determine whether the Vietnamese Museum Australia or the PAF (as applicable) has breached its privacy obligations. If the Vietnamese Museum Australia Privacy Contact Officer finds that there has been a privacy breach, the Board of Directors of the Vietnamese Museum Australia will decide what remedial action should be taken. The Vietnamese Museum Australia will aim to respond within a reasonable time of receiving the complaint.
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the Vietnamese Museum Australia’s investigation of their complaint, they can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, who is independent of the Vietnamese Museum Australia. At the date of this Privacy Policy, contact details for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner are available on its website:
06 References
Archives Act 1983 (Cth)
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
Privacy (Australian Government Agencies) — Governance APP Code 2017
Australian Privacy Principles (APP) Guidelines
07 Implementation
This policy applies to all Vietnamese Museum Australia staff and any representatives of the PAF undertaking activities that involve the fundraising, collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information.a